
Image Alt Tag Module for ShopSite

An SEO best practice today is having alt tags for your images.  Google search bots can track these in your pages and influence your ranking in the Google Search Results.  If you have a site with many images it can take a long time to go through and udpate the alt tag for every image.  If you are one of our clients and hosted under Lexiconn, we have good news for you!

The image alt tag module allows any ShopSite store to automatically set every assigned image’s alt tag to a specified field in ShopSite.  You can decide if you want the alt tag set to the product name, product description, SKU, or any product field you want.  Another great feature of this module is the option to publish the store anytime an alt tag changes.  For example, if you update a product name and that is the setting for your alt tag module, it will automatically udpate the alt tag when the store is regenerated.

You can improve your SEO with alt tags that better describe your images and add to on-page ranking.

Once the alt tag module is installed, insert the below code in the product image section to show the product name as the product alt tag:

<img [– PRODUCT.Graphic REMOVE_HTML –] >

After the code is in place, please regenerate the entire site to show the result.

If you’re interested in the alt tag module for your store, contact us today.


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