
Shopsite Product Download: Formatting Your Excel

Shopsite Product Download: Formatting Your Excel

The best way to get familiar with the product or page upload formats is to perform a download of them.

From the Utilities menu select +Database.



At the database screen select “Download”.



Next select either Products of Pages, we will select products for this example.



At the Products Download screen you can change some defaults. Leave Download format to “Tab-delimited text file format” and select the latest version from dropdown.


In the Download fields box you can choose All fields or select specific fields by clicking “Select”.


Leave the Download options to “Download data to your browser”.


Change the name of the file to whatever you want, leave the extention to “.txt”. Click “Proceed”.



Launch excel and browse to where the file you downloaded, change the dropdown next to “file name” to “all files”. Select the file and open. On the next 3 screens select “Next, Next and Finish” to open the file. Now you can see the required headers and how they need to be set for SS to read them.


Below is a sample download.



Below is a simplified one for upload, you will only need certain fields. Name, Sku, Price and Product Description are some of the common ones. Additional fields that are required will vary by project.



Just make sure to follow the naming conventions to avoid upload problems.



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