
Merit has been our web host/designer for 16 years now. We could not survive without her. Anything we ask her to do, she does quickly and professionally.

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Merit has been our web host/designer for 16 years now. We could not survive without her. Anything we ask her to do, she does quickly and professionally. She not only keeps our web site up to date but has created numerous databases that has made our business much more streamlined and accessible. She has been a godsend!

Anne Pert

Director, Administration

Stellar Solutions

Phone: 650/473-9866



During my tenure as the Marketing Director of Dynamic Net, Inc. I have had the opportunity to deal with many individuals of different backgrounds and talents.

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During my tenure as the Marketing Director of Dynamic Net, Inc. I have had the opportunity to deal with many individuals of different backgrounds and talents. But I may say with no hyperbole that the most impressive of these many people has been Merit Lee.

Her unflagging professionalism, quick and incisive creativity and friendly can-do manner has made many of our major projects far easier and better developed than they would have been without her vital participation.

From print pieces to our web site redesign, from online invitations to graphics to much more, Merit has been integral to the success of the marketing program of this company, as I know she would be to your company.

Dynamic Net, Inc.

Helping companies do business on the Net

420 Park Road; Suite 201

Wyomissing PA 19610

Toll Free Voice: 1-888-887-6727

Web: http://www.dynamicnet.net/


First of all thanks for the help with search engine optimization. We have seen a definite increase in online sales over the past 6 weeks (about 20 sales as opposed to 15 over the prior 6 months)

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First of all thanks for the help with search engine optimization. We have seen a definite increase in online sales over the past 6 weeks (about 20 sales as opposed to 15 over the prior 6 months).





Creating a web site is a complicated and a daunting process at the very least, especially if the entire concept is new to you. I selected Digital Design Solutions based upon personal recommendations from others and after..

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To Whom It May Concern:

Creating a web site is a complicated and a daunting process at the very least, especially if the entire concept is new to you. I selected Digital Design Solutions based upon personal recommendations from others and after visiting samples of her sites. Further, I have directed many complicated artistic programs and I know how valuable accomplished, well trained and creative people can be a project.

Digital Design Solutions exemplifies this technical art form. In our case, we are selling something much greater than just architectural design. Through her efforts we were able to fully express the value and scope of our services which is the union of art and architecture. Her creative ideas and technical application produced a very exciting presentation of our services.

The second and extremely important phase of this marketing program is the placement of the site on the Web. Our confidence in Merit’s abilities is so high that we have placed total control of this aspect in her capable hands.

I highly recommend Digital Design Solutions for the design and subsequent applications of any challenging web site.


When I was referred to Merit in 2007, I was going through a difficult time finding a web designer that could deal with my complicated custom site. I had an existing e-commerce site since 2002, and Merit was instrumental in revising my website and integrating it with ShopSite.

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When I was referred to Merit in 2007, I was going through a difficult time finding a web designer that could deal with my complicated custom site. I had an existing e-commerce site since 2002, and Merit was instrumental in revising my website and integrating it with ShopSite. She and her programmers spent countless days in making the transition. It would have been easier starting from scratch, but we wanted to retain the existing “look and feel”, and provide a full checkout cart, something I didn’t have at the time.

I sell one-of-a-kind antiques. This is challenging to merit for a web designer, as my cart is unique compared to the average shopping cart, requiring different types of “bells and whistles” in dealing with inventory, shipping, etc. Merit and her programmers did a brilliant job in further customizing the site/cart, much of which was not offered by ShopSite. This was instrumental to my success.

Since the transition 1-1/2 years ago, my business has increased, and the simplicity of the cart has saved me much time and provided convenience to my customers. Merit is always there when you need her. She responds to my e-mails within a couple of hours or that same day. She is professional, thorough and extremely detail-oriented. When I first met Merit, I was immediately impressed with her excellent follow-up and the ability to understand the needs of her client. She is great explaining things in “lay person” terms, as opposed to technical lingo that many of us can’t follow. Additionally, I couldn’t be happier having Lexiconn as my server host. Having gone through 3 different hosts prior, Lexiconn is top-of-the-line. Superb and friendly customer service. And, to my knowledge, my site has never gone down. Merit and Lexiconn are a brilliant team and I would recommend them to anyone looking to launch a website or upgrade an existing one.


Lynn Goldfinger



Working with Merit Lee on the redesign of our website has been a fantastic experience. My goals were to create a professional looking website and enhance our image while not spend a fortune to make that happen.

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Working with Merit Lee on the redesign of our website has been a fantastic experience. My goals were to create a professional looking website and enhance our image while not spend a fortune to make that happen. Merit and her team accomplished all of that and exceeded my wildest expectations. From our initial conversation she understood exactly what we needed. Providing two design concepts for review she absolutely nailed it on the first one. From there the whole process was seamless to final implementation. Merit truly has a unique creative insight and the technical expertise for providing practical solutions for our needs.

Where are we today? Since the redesign web traffic to our site is up dramatically and sales have increased 38% over last year! For our next project I wouldn’t go anywhere else-she has a customer for life.

Dwight Weatherhead

Bosworth Instrument


When we started our e-commerce operations back in 2002, we didn’t have a massive budget that is typically required at start up. After researching many solutions, we choose the “ShopSite” shopping cart application.

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When we started our e-commerce operations back in 2002, we didn’t have a massive budget that is typically required at start up. After researching many solutions, we choose the “ShopSite” shopping cart application. While we understood it wasn’t necessarily a state of the art, dynamic, best in class solution, it did offer the basic fundamental features that would allow us to get started with our budget. We figured it would be a stop gap solution until we had enough income to purchase a class leading cart solution with all the bells and whistles we wanted.

Today, we now have three storefronts full of bells and whistles that have won numerous awards and have become top revenue generators. We owe much of that success to Digital Design Solutions and their competitive pricing which has persuaded us to remain loyal to the Shopsite platform. We continue to be a relatively lean operation, with emphasis on value and therefore still use Shopsite. Thanks to Digital Design Solutions, we now use what we like to call “Shopsite on steroids”.

Merit and her team of designers and programmers have not only offered countless troubleshooting assitance, but have also developed specific modules and programs that function in tandem with our own internal ERPs and CRMs. Our backorder rate has improved from 15% to less than 1% thanks to their Shopsite inventory solution. We’ve also been able to launch a truly world class e-commerce site using Shopsite and Design with Merit’s intuitive aesthetic skills via some very attractive templates that integrate many dynamic and rich media elements.

We’ve been able to rely on them for countless projects, and look forward to continuing our long standing relationship with them.

Jose A. Nino Jr

Director, E-Commerce & Marketing

Estilonet, INC




Our company had been struggling with I.T companies since we first started. The first company we went with got into the development phase and reported that they coul not do what we needed to do.

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Our company had been struggling with I.T companies since we first started. The first company we went with got into the development phase and reported that they could not do what we needed to do. Second company built a broken site, third company, we just weren’t able to communicate with. We were desperate and found Digital Design Solutions in our search for company that could effectively assist us with our growth. The work they have done for us has been outstanding. We have nothing but praise and are looking forward to working with Merit and her crew as we grow and expand.

Emma and Nick Thomson

Owners, Lost Campers USA


I cannot begin to tell you how very much I appreciate the effort you are putting into the evaluation of my website.

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Dear Merit/ Rick

I cannot begin to tell you how very much I appreciate the effort you are putting into the evaluation of my website.

Your in-depth approach of evaluating and making detailed suggestions for each element of the site was exactly what I was looking for.

It is truly a pleasure to be working with you both. You have shown me that you have a clear understanding of the elegance and objectives I am striving for and that you know and have what it will take to get the job done.

Your a Powerful Team. I look forward to working with you on many projects for my company.

Best Regards,


Eileen Mulroney Ower/ President

European House Inc.


Hi Merit

I wanted to drop a note of thanks for 2006 you have been my BEST Web Master that..

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Hi Merit

I wanted to drop a note of thanks for 2006 you have been my BEST Web Master that I have had and I have been doing this for over 14 yrs now and been through 5 web masters.

Thank you Again!

Bill Barringer




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